Shasta Ortho Treats Hip and Knee Arthritis

Hip and Knee Arthritis
Arthritis in the hip and knee can dramatically interrupt your lifestyle and prevent you from taking part in the activities you love, such as fitness or athletics. The pain can also cause daily tasks such walking, using the stairs, squatting, or sleeping to become challenging.
So what can you do?
Hip and Knee Arthritis Treatment
In some cases, physical therapy may be enough to treat your symptoms. In more extreme cases, hip or knee replacement may be needed.
Dr. Shawn Brubaker of Shasta Orthopaedics specializes in complex degenerative disorders of the hip and knee before and after joint replacement. He can help you diagnose your hip or knee pain and guide you to the right treatment plan for your body’s needs.
Hip and Knee Arthritis Treatment Video
Dr. Shawn Brubaker of Shasta Orthopaedics talks about how Shasta Orthopaedics relieves the pain of hip and knee arthritis and can help people get back to doing the things they enjoy.
Learn more about Dr. Shawn Brubaker and hip or knee arthritis treatment.